hi there, I just recently downloaded kernel 2.0.30 and have been having problems with modules. I've run make config and answered yes to ne2000 support, ppp and parallel printer. then I compiled it and installed on a floppy without a hitch. then I ran make modules and then make modules_install and that seemed to go ok too as it created a directory called /usr/lib/modules/2.0.30 with a few modules in it. only problem is it's missing ppp.o, lp.o, ne.o, slip.o and the kernel gives errors indicating that when it tries to load them. when I look in /usr/lib/modules/2.0.0 they are still in there but if I copy them to the same place in 2.0.30 it gives me errors saying that those modules are for the wrong kernel. how do I get the ones I need where they are supposed to be?
thanks, rob -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .