--- Andy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This should be in /var/log/syslog, /var/log/daemon.log,
> /var/log/kern.log.
> > As long as the system is able to write to /var/log, everything
> should be
> > there.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Debian newbie here.....been waiting to ask this question for a long
> time.
> When I boot my Debian laptop, the scrolling text shows cardmgr 
> (with options listed) trying to start I guess.... but cardmgr does
> not really 
> start.
> I have to open a shell, su to root, and type "cardmgr".  Then my
> wireless NIC
> beeps and gets a DHCP address and all is well.  But this is very
> annoying as 
> I would like it to just come up on its own on bootup.
If you want to just issue that command on boot up with out all the
typing you can add it to your rc.local script (if you have one) in
/etc/init.d/rc.local ... if you want to create an rc.local script just
vi it and edit it... then run #update-rc.d rc.local defaults 
from a root prompt.  Of course to be "debianized" you shouldn't use
rc.local , but should make an init script in the proper form, but
rc.local will suit your simple need for typing "cardmgr" at bootup.


PS - sorry i don't know more about the logs!

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