The problem began when the network guys switched from Novell server to
NT the process they (up/down)graded me from WfW 3.11 to Win
95 on my local machine.  This machine has Debian 1.3.4 (whatever) on it
and I dual boot with regularity.

When rebooting into Linux from W95 everything works great.  YESSSSSS!
When rebooting into W95 from Linux, I have to power cycle the machine to
get it to recognize my 3C509 ethernet card.  I've been doing this for a
couple of months now...I'm just now getting tired of this behavior.

So far my network admins have suggested that I run their configuration
managed linux kernel 2.0.23 or something using loadlin.  Didn't work. 
I'm put LILO back in place.  Didn't work.  Went back to my 2.0.29 and
now 2.0.30 debian kernel.  Still doesn't work.

Now you and I know this is almost assuredly a micro$oft W95/NT problem.
Has anyone else encounterd this problem or could otherwise give me a
clue how to make 95/NT act as nice as WfW 3.11 did with Linux. 


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