Mr. David Bersson wrote:

> Since this fellow who asked for advice on how to
>  go directly into different window managers
> has objections to the method, it may of
>  confused some of the newbies on this list on how to
> go about it. A careful study of his
>  objections shows a person whose ego cannot take someone
> having a real solution. In fact, his 
> confused objections leap out at you 
> with his mailings and you
> must see such reactions are mere manifestations of the uncontrolled ego when 
> an equation that is beyond the scope of his limited intelligence.

Really? How very interesting.

> I will go through the method step by step

Good idea. Let's look at the process in detail.

> 1. To find the start up script you use the "type" command. To wit:  On your command 
>line you do this:
> type wmaker.
> This will give you your startup script which is:  /usr/bin/wmaker

Is /usr/bin/wmaker a startup script? I don't use WindowMaker
specifically, so I don't claim to know. I would have expected it to be
the window manager's binary executable. I know that /usr/bin/fluxbox,
/usr/bin/metacity, /usr/bin/kwin, and /usr/bin/X11/twm are all binaries
(fairly large ones, too), not startup scripts.

> You now have the startup script path to give permissions.
> 2.  Do this on the command line.
> chmod a+x /usr/bin/wmaker

This should be unnecessary. /usr/bin/wmaker should already be executable.

> chown  (user name)  /usr/bin/wmaker
> chgrup  (user name) /usr/bin/wmaker

I think you mean "chgrp", not "chgrup"? And why do you want an
executable that is supposed to be available to all users on the system
to be owned by one particular user? Are you assuming that only one
person uses the machine? What is another user supposed to do if he also
wants to use /usr/bin/wmaker?

> You have now given the proper permissions for window maker.
> 3.  You then copy your startup script into your sessions file for direct access from 
>your log in box.
> cp -a /usr/bin/wmaker  /etc/gdm/Sessions/WindowMaker

But then, next time your WindowMaker gets upgraded, the copy in /usr/bin
will be upgraded but the one in /etc/gdm/Sessions won't; you'll have to
remember to copy it over again manually. Don't you think it would be
better to write a simple script as /etc/gdm/Sessions/WindowMaker to
start it up, such as:

  exec /usr/bin/wmaker

Even this is somewhat lacking, as it makes no provision for other
session initialization that experienced Linux users will expect. It
would be better to do the following, which will start wmaker after going
through standard session initialization:

  exec /etc/X11/Xsession /usr/bin/wmaker

You can substitute /usr/bin/afterstep, /usr/bin/blackbox, or whatever,
for /usr/bin/wmaker in the above, to start the appropriate window

> 4. You use the same instructions for afterstep, blackbox, fluxbox, enlightenment, 
>icwn and others tha you may duly prefer.
> 5. After entering all these commands, you log out and go back to your Debian log in 
> You click sessions,and log into any window manager you deem fit.
> 6. I've found no other method superior to this one.  

How interesting.


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