Hi everyone,

Since this fellow who asked for advice on how to
 go directly into different window managers
has objections to the method, it may of
 confused some of the newbies on this list on how to
go about it. A careful study of his
 objections shows a person whose ego cannot take someone
having a real solution. In fact, his 
confused objections leap out at you 
with his mailings and you
must see such reactions are mere manifestations of the uncontrolled ego when 
an equation that is beyond the scope of his limited intelligence.

I will go through the method step by step for newbies to assure myself that he hasn't 
everyone with his silly objections. I am giving a superior method and perhaps the only 
real method of logging in directly to your window sessions. None of this person's 
complaints about
it's method hold any water at all. Here's how to do it.  Now this young fellow wants 
to write a
bug report to the person who created the manual for the mehod.  I'm certainly willing 
to abide by
the fiction that it will create bugs.  Such remarks are unworthy of any linux users 

This is how to do it step by step and I'll start right from the beginning.

1. To find the start up script you use the "type" command. To wit:  On your command 
line you do this:
type wmaker.
This will give you your startup script which is:  /usr/bin/wmaker

You now have the startup script path to give permissions.

2.  Do this on the command line.
chmod a+x /usr/bin/wmaker
chown  (user name)  /usr/bin/wmaker
chgrup  (user name) /usr/bin/wmaker

You have now given the proper permissions for window maker.

3.  You then copy your startup script into your sessions file for direct access from 
your log in box.

cp -a /usr/bin/wmaker  /etc/gdm/Sessions/WindowMaker

4. You use the same instructions for afterstep, blackbox, fluxbox, enlightenment, icwn 
and others tha you may duly prefer.

5. After entering all these commands, you log out and go back to your Debian log in 
You click sessions,and log into any window manager you deem fit.

6. I've found no other method superior to this one.  

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