> Hi folks. I've tried to install xlib6g_3.3-7.deb and it requires a
> xlib6_3.3-7.deb which is advertised in the Packages file but does
> not seem to be available on ftp.debian.org (?). The glibc-libc5
> mini-howto is great (although discovered after the fact) but does
> not go into upgrading X.

Well, my mirror already has:
/binary-i386$ ls */xlib*
oldlibs/xlib6-altdev_3.3.1-1.deb  x11/xlib6g-dev_3.3.1-1.deb
oldlibs/xlib6_3.3.1-1.deb         x11/xlib6g_3.3.1-1.deb

And the x11/xlib6g_3.3.1-1.deb found there should live hapily
with the xlib6_3.3.1.

In general: just first upgrade the libc5 compat libs (in this case
xlib6_3.3.1-1), and then the libc6 versioon. Should go OK.

joost witteveen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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