On 21-Oct-97 Mario Filipe wrote:
>       Hi
>       after resolving my previous problem I now have another...
>       during the instalation of a package the disk got full. Now when i
>try to do dpkg --purge xxx it tells me that :
>       Package is in a very bad inconsistent state-blabla
>       What should I do. BTW I had 30meg before the installation now, I
>have 1.7K, and nothing got installed. How do I clear the space ?

First, find the package:

find /var/lib/dpkg -type f -name "<package-name>" -print 2>/dev/null


 rm <whatever-find-returned>

N.B. if you only know part of <package-name> put a * between the > and the last 
" in the find command.
>       Mario Filipe
>       http://neptuno.uevora.pt
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