Hmm, I thought Debian bplay was compiled with buffer lockdowns out, since
they can cause crashes.  So my guess is that even as root, you are not
really getting them, but the check isn't made so you don't see that
message.  It probably doesn't matter, since I have been able to do pretty
cpu intensive stuff on my P133 while recording without any drop in
quality.  btw: have you managed to make the delay options (-t and -j I
think) work with raw sound files ( I havn't tried other types)?  For me,
they just seem to get ignored.  

On Thu, 16 Oct 1997, Shaleh wrote:

> I now have bplay and timidity installed.  Thanks for the help.  When I
> run bplay as a user I get the following: 
> bplay: setpriority: Permission denied: continuing anyway
> bplay: shmctl: Operation not permitted: continuing with unlocked buffers
> it still plays though.  Does not happen as root.

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