I traced (I think!) down what was (actually is) my problem. The responsible is 
(my poor administration :-)) and fetchmai trying to forward the fetched mail 
to port 25 on *two* hosts: host.domainA and localhost. Of course, since I'm 
not on domain_A, this is a problem because no hosts is going to answer (thanks 
god!): so fetchmail timeout and stop to fetch the mail ...

I tried with the smtphost option in the fetchmailrc, but after the list I'm 
giving fetchmail always add the 2 hosts ... Now the workaround is to add a 
dummy interface with the IP address of the host.domainA, but I'd like to 
instruct fetchmail to do the right thing: that is forward the mail just to 
localhost!! Any idea on how to do that?


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