Joey Hess wrote:
> You might want to refer to bug reports #10483, #11278, etc at
> - the maintainer is
> aware of the problem, and I hope he figures out a fix soon.

I have all the reports, but I wasn't able to reproduce the problem in
any way.
I've prepared an unstripped executable that could permit you to debug
the core (or reproduce the segfault while in gdb) to help me figure
what's the problem.
It's in

It looks that the problem is related to a "corrupted" database (thus
rebuilding it with mandb -c fixes the problem), but it's not clear "how"
the database went corrupted.
The installation of other manpages could be the trigger because man
tryes to upgrade the database when it notices a new manpage.
The bug should be related with bad behaviour for unexpected input.

Finding the manpage that produces this could help a lot.

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