Monthly, or more often, since installing Bo 1.3 on new system, I have had to
re-install man-db, after getting segmentation faults whenever executing man.  
I don't believe this is related to libc6, as has been reported.  It happens
at almost random times.  Perhaps certain package upgrades have caused this?
Or is it "bit rot"?  

I have found that when man seg faults, I only have to run
/var/lib/dpkg/info/man-db.postinst, and everything as fine again.

Alan Davis

"I consider that the golden rule requires       Alan E. Davis            
that if I like a program I must share it        Marianas High School    
with other people who like it"                  AAA196, Box 10001       
                                                Saipan, MP  96950       
             ---Richard Stallman                Northern Mariana Islands

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