Jason Gunthorpe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Mon, 29 Sep 1997, Dirk Luetjens wrote:
> > I wanted to write an aplication which is capable of running in a graphics
> > mode but also on a text console. I though of having the same look & feel
> > in both modes. Since is only uses buttons, checkboxes, selection lists and
> > tabulars it should be possible to provide a console equivalent. 
> > In case of the console, window/buttons/... are drawn with characters and
> > colors.  
> The Deity project is developing a set of widgets much like you describe,
> but they are not really done yet.

You can also give wxwindows a try.

There is a porting of wxwindows to [n]curses and is called wxcurses.
It seems that this porting is quite old but I would guess that most of
elementary widgets are running fine.

In this way, your program have a program which uses a particular widget running 
   X, (motif, Xview or just Xt)

ftpsearch says that you can find it at :   
ftp.cis.nctu.edu.tw  /Linux/packages/devel/wxwin/ports/curses/wxcurses.tgz
ftp.ips.gov.au       /mirror/wxwin/ports/curses/wxcurses.tgz
ftp.ese-metz.fr      /pub/X11/Libs/wxwin/ports/curses/wxcurses.tgz
ftp.ntua.gr          /pub/X11/wxwin/ports/curses/wxcurses.tgz
ftp.aiai.ed.ac.uk    /pub/packages/wxwin/ports/curses/wxcurses.tgz
ftp.uni-augsburg.de  /pub/packages/wxwin/ports/curses/wxcurses.tgz
ftp.pwr.wroc.pl      /pub/wxwin/ports/curses/wxcurses.tgz
ftp.fu-berlin.de     /unix/languages/c++/wxwin/ports/curses/wxcurses.tgz

Alair Pereira do Lago  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.ime.usp.br/~alair>
Computer Science Department -- Universidade de S~ao Paulo -- Brazil

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