Amos Shapira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> So there is no "me" in the network sense that you can allways
> "nslookup birnam" and get an IP address.  Whenever I connect
> I get another IP.  What's the prerequisites that Qmail expects
> from "me"?

Something that looks like a FQDN.  What's more important is what other
systems expect to see where qmail uses the contents of "me".


> Can anyone who uses Qmail on a dial-up system provide the contents of
> these basic five files?

I have a very strange configuration, because I do not have a permanent
IP address or hostname.  It's probably not "legal".  But anyway:




locals and rcpthosts

I also have virtualdomains set up for a Perl script that does a little
rewriting, then writes to a Maildir that gets maildir2smtp'd from
ip-up. I have an smtproutes for mail to my brother's machine on my
home LAN.

                Carey Evans  <*>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   "On the telephone line I am anyone, I am anything I want to be."
                                       - Savage Garden, _Santa Monica_

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