On Fri, 15 Aug 1997, David M wrote:

> > Well, why not use the *.deb package from project/experimental then?
> I have done that and the installation still shows the 'hard error' message.

I had this happen when I was porting qmail to qnx.. it had to do with not
being able to lookup the host name. I'm not sure if there are other hard
errors though.

During the qmail build it produces a binary called 'hostname' run it and
it should return your full hostname. If not then maybe something more
serious is wrong with your system? 
> > Anyway, IIRC qmail-config tries to create file /var/qmail/control/me that
> > contains
> > eris.dev.null 
> > on my box -- use vi and put your fqdn there. 
> > (I think it's in the docs actually.)
> That's true and I can easily create a file control/me with my fqdn but 
> the problem is I am not familiar at all with qmail and that script seems 
> to put other into in control...
> Anyways I guess I have no other choice but to setup the control/* files 
> myself... any one care to give me a hand :)  The purpose of installing 

Well, there are only about 5 that qmail-config installs, I don't have them
here but they are simple single line things. I suggest you do man
qmail-control and go through the list of config files and add any you
think you might need. They are all simple things, much like the 'me' file

BTW, anyone know when qmail will become part of the dist? I notice on
qmail.org that it is now free..


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