On Thu, 10 Jul 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> There are many models that could be used to set up the certification;
> it could even be an application that could be downloaded.  As for
> studying for it -- one approach would be to select questions from a
> large database of possible questions.  The database of possible
> questions could be public, if the size of the database makes simple
> memorization impractical.  I believe this is the approach here in the
> US for written pilots' tests.

I might choose a different route.  Linux lends itself well to word
problems. An example would be:

In which directory would I expect to find the files that lists the users
and their passwords?

What command would you issue to change a user's password?

I would also have certification on different levels.  You could take a
basic Linux sysadmin test that would be very general and apply to any
version of linux of any version.  You could add netadmin qualification by
answering correctly a series of questions about DNS, how to use the route
command, etc. Then you might get version specific with questions about
dpkg, building debian packages, etc.

The first part might be best done by Linux International and would be a
permanent certification (like a diploma) while the version specific things
could be dome by the various distributions (Debian, RedHat, etc) for their
peculiar parts and could expire because the distributions could be
expected to change over time.

So in this way you might have someone who is:

Linux SysAdmin
Linux NetAdmin
Debian 1 Certified
RedHat 4 Certified
Caldera COL Certified

The distributions could change certification materials as the major number
of their distribution changes.

George Bonser
http://corsica.shorelink.com -- XXXX xxxxx hosting for $XX.XX / month.

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