Hi! Hi, could you please put more bugs into Debian Linux?
I installed it on a 386 or was it a 486 at the university and connected to the network via ethernet card on the first try. That base system booted, I did a ping somehost.domain.de and it worked!!!! Thats way to easy. Could I please have some nasty installation problems and bugs and such back? I want to pay $100 for a software and have bugs, and now I pay nothing and have no bucks. What do I get? ;-) (Hey, dont take this serious;-) If I remember trying to get Windows 95 to the same point... headaches... But unfortunately they do install Win95/Novell for the new computer pool for the students of education. I tried to persuade them to use Linux, but failed. So: Thank you, thank you, thank you all who develop Linux and Debian Linux for doing such a great job!!! (AmigaOS/p.OS and Unix/Linux are the best OSes;-) A question I have anyway: The 386 or 486 has a Microsoft Serial Port Compatible mouse. I couldnt try a working driver module for that one. Microsoft Bus mouse did not work, PS/2 mouse did not work... I tried every mouse driver that has been in the list... any ideas? -- |_| _ |o _ _ Martin Steigerwald | |(/_||(_)_> http://home.pages.de/~helios -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .