This is really not Debian-specific.  But this is the *best* place to get

I just got a new 17" monitor and am trying to use it at 1600x1200.
Okay, so things get small.  So I though I'd use bigger fonts and still
benefit from higher resolution.  I like the smaller window manger icons and
buttons, but I need slightly bigger fonts in rxvt and Emacs.

I'm using `misc 9x15' in Emacs and anything more is ugly (it jumps to 10x20
with nothing in between).  
These are `misc' fonts from /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/.

So, I downloaded XFree-3.3's 100 dpi fonts.

  rxvt --font lucidasanstypewriter-14 &

This looks better, I guess (same width, but taller font).

But Emacs doesn't seem to know about these fonts, offering only `misc'
and `courrier'.

Has anyone ever had to do anything like this?  
What's available?

In /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/, I now have:
100dpi  75dpi   PEX     misc 

I noticed that, for example, courR14.pcf.gz is in both 75dpi and 100dpi.
Which gets used?  Nothing changes if I remove the 75dpi directory from
XF86Config's font path.

I'd appreciate pointers if anyone has any to offer.
Peter Galbraith, research scientist             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Maurice-Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada  418-775-0852 - FAX 418-775-0546

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