Kevin Hilman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> Thanks for the suggestion, but by problem is for a printer that is not
> "attached" to any machine.  It's only attached the LAN via ethernet.
> I need a utility (like 'prtcp') that sends files to a printer attached
> to the network only by ethernet, not through a parallel port.

You need to know the protocol the printer uses to attach to the
ethernet.  For example, the Lexmark Optra R+ attached to a MarkNet box
at work has its own protocol which appears (from tcpdump) to be based
on IPX.  But after setting up a BOOTP server and giving it an IP
address, it also uses the lpr protocol directly.

Another printer which is currently only attached to an AS/400 with
twinax is supposed to support lpr and LAN Manager protocols on an
ethernet.  Presumably prtcp sends print jobs using some protocol which
Sun devised to talk to its printers.  I don't know what this would be
- maybe you can find out from Sun, or reverse engineer it from the
output of tcpdump.

                Carey Evans  <*>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

            "Lies, damn lies, and computer documentation."

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