On 31 May 1997, Kevin Hilman wrote:

> I'd like to have my debian box take over priting services from an
> aging SunOS box.
> The SunOS box is using lpd and a filter script which calles 'prtcp'
> to send the print job to the printer which is hanging off the LAN and
> not connected to any machine.
> How do I accomplish the same under Debian 1.3.  I have lpd installed,
> but can't figure how to print to a print that isn't physically connected. 
> I looked into lprng, but it seems too sophisticated for my purposes

I have a printer on one Linux machine and can print from my other Linux
box with the following printcap:

lp|rlp|Remote printer entry:\

Where "office" is an entry in /etc/hosts for the other machine with the
attached printer.


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