> After few attempts to compile the new binary of mgetty with ppp support
> I was adviced to go  back to the initial point and try again with old
> binary. It became clear ( to "Jens B. Jorgensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> not to me :-) that there were a propblem with IP address. When the last
> item if IP was set to two digit instead of default 3 digit form than 
> things had changed.
> Presen state is following:
> Dailing from the w95 box side I see 
> ----------------------------------------
> Connected at 14400 bps  
> Duration: 000:06:15
> Details: 
>         Server type: PPP: Windows95, Windows NT 3.5, Internet
>         Protocols:
>                 1) TCP/IP
> ----------------------------------------
> However, when I try to run netscape ( the same with other staff)
> netscape stops with following message on status line:
>    Connect: Looking up host: home.netscape.com...
> And after a bit thinking it returns:
>    Netscape is unable to locate the server:
>     home.netscape.com
>    The server does not have a DNS entry.

You might need also to specify the address of nameserver(s) from "win95
box side" and make sure you give "proxyarp" option to pppd.

Alex Y.

>    Ckeck the sever name in the Location(URL)
>    and try again.
> -----------------------------------------------
> Hope someone can help me to find the way out.
> Thanks,
> Eugene Sevinian
> ----------------------------
> Cosmic Ray Division
> Yerevan Phisics Institute
> Alikhanian's Brothers str.2
> 375036 Yerevan 36
> Armenia
> URL: http://www.yerphi.am/crd/prs/sevinian.html
> Phone: 374-2-352041 (YerPhI), 374-2-344873 (aprt.)
> Fax: 374-2-350030
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