> > 05/15 14:16:54 yS1  mgetty: official release 1.0.0
> > 05/15 14:16:54 yS1  check for lockfiles
> > 05/15 14:16:54 yS1  locking the line
> > 05/15 14:16:54 yS1  lowering DTR to reset Modem
> > 05/15 14:16:55 yS1  send: \dATQ0V1H0[0d]
> > 05/15 14:16:56 yS1  waiting for ``OK'' ** found **
> > 05/15 14:16:56 yS1  send: AT[0d]
> > 05/15 14:16:56 yS1  waiting for ``OK'' ** found **
> > 05/15 14:16:56 yS1  waiting...
> > 05/15 14:45:01 ##### failed dev=ttyS1, pid=10653, got signal 15,

> Signal 15 is SIGTERM--I wouldn't expect this signal to be issued
> unless you typed 'kill XXX' or some other process intentionally
> killed the mgetty. Could you perhaps try the stock mgetty? I don't
> know why SIGTERM would be sent to the mgetty process.

You are right, of course, this string is just the evidense of the fact
that I removed
this bad mgetty replacing it by the old stock mgetty. Nothing more! (It
was my guilty.
I put too  much obsolate info in my message. Sorry.)

> Do you have a valid AUTO_PPP entry in /etc/mgetty/login.config?
> Did you edit this file? 

Here it is...

/AutoPPP/ -     -       /usr/sbin/pppd auth -chap +pap login

Though I'm not sure that it is correct. 
Recalling the w95 diagnostic ...

> "The computer you're dialing in to cannot establish a Dial_Up
> Networking connection. Check your password, and try again."

... I suspect that something is wrong with
authentification procedure but at this point I am not familiar
with this subject. 

Eugene Sevinian

Cosmic Ray Division
Yerevan Phisics Institute
Alikhanian's Brothers str.2
375036 Yerevan 36

URL: http://www.yerphi.am/crd/prs/sevinian.html
Phone: 374-2-352041 (YerPhI), 374-2-344873 (aprt.)
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