On Tue, 25 Feb 1997, dr. banzai wrote:

> I am having problems installing Debian. Here is what
> happens.
> The installation goes smoothly until I get to the part
> where it decompresses the selected packages from dselect.
> halfway through, it crashes with some kind of kernel memory error
> and forces me to reboot the system. Upon reboot, I get an
> "UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY" error on my /dev/hda4 (my linux
> partition). It boots in safe mode, and asks me to manually
> check my fs. I do an fsck -t ext2 /dev/hda4 and the errors
> make up about 20 pages. They consist of various inode,
> freeblock count wrong, and directory inconsistency errors.
> I hold down "y" for about 20 seconds as the errors flash
> by. Upon rebooting, there's a sprinkling of EXT2FS-warnings
You can run fsck with a -y option i believe which will say yes to all
questions (non-interactive mode). Be warned that doing this could
permanently hoze your drive's data. (I've hozed a complete zip drive
before by doing this).

> in amongst the regular boot messages. If I try to run dselect
> again, it stops with a "file not found" error, presumably
> because fsck deleted the corrupt file. If I try to run fsck
> at this point, it corrects a couple of errors. If I run it
> again, it says the FS is clean. If I reboot and check it
> again, it catches a few more errors. What is going on?
I'd reformat the hd since you don't have any stuff installed anyway. If
this doesn't work, see below....

> I have 4 partitions, 2 DOS, 1 swap, and 1 ext2. I run win95
> on my dos partitions, and haven't seen any problems with the
> HD. Also in the installation, it did the bad-block check
> without any probs. 
> This all started when I was using Slackware a few weeks ago.
> I was manipulating a large file (30 megs) when it froze up. 
> I rebooted and was greeted with a "bad inode on device 03:04"
> error which repeated endlessly on the screen. I decided to
> delete and re-form my partition and try Debian, but it hasn't
> fixed the problem. 
This is inidicative of a possible conflict between Parition Magic and
Lilo. I don't run PM, so I have no idea what the exact problem would be. A
possible solution would be to explicitly state drive geometry during
bootup, or to run fdisk and make sure that the fdisk in Linux agrees with
the setup in PM/BIOS. I would contact PM and ask them about possible
conflicts with Linux partitions if I were you. 

> It started happening also around when I ran Partition Magic
> version 3 to modify my DOS partitons. There were no errors.
> I dont know if this is the problem because I overwrote the
> partition table with the partitioning program that comes with 
> the Debian installation package. There were no errors there
> either.
> Here are my system specs:
> intel pentium 120
> ASUS P/I-P55TP4XE mb
> Quantum Fireball 2100 meg
> 32 mb RAM
> I am using the I/O controller which is built into the motherboard.
> My BIOS is set to LBA mode.
Get the Large HD HOWTO from sunsite or from the newsgroup linux.answers. I
would think it's PM and Linux disk geometry conflict. But it's hard to
tell since I don't run PM. 


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