I am having problems installing Debian. Here is what

The installation goes smoothly until I get to the part
where it decompresses the selected packages from dselect.
halfway through, it crashes with some kind of kernel memory error
and forces me to reboot the system. Upon reboot, I get an
"UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY" error on my /dev/hda4 (my linux
partition). It boots in safe mode, and asks me to manually
check my fs. I do an fsck -t ext2 /dev/hda4 and the errors
make up about 20 pages. They consist of various inode,
freeblock count wrong, and directory inconsistency errors.
I hold down "y" for about 20 seconds as the errors flash
by. Upon rebooting, there's a sprinkling of EXT2FS-warnings
in amongst the regular boot messages. If I try to run dselect
again, it stops with a "file not found" error, presumably
because fsck deleted the corrupt file. If I try to run fsck
at this point, it corrects a couple of errors. If I run it
again, it says the FS is clean. If I reboot and check it
again, it catches a few more errors. What is going on?

I have 4 partitions, 2 DOS, 1 swap, and 1 ext2. I run win95
on my dos partitions, and haven't seen any problems with the
HD. Also in the installation, it did the bad-block check
without any probs. 

This all started when I was using Slackware a few weeks ago.
I was manipulating a large file (30 megs) when it froze up. 
I rebooted and was greeted with a "bad inode on device 03:04"
error which repeated endlessly on the screen. I decided to
delete and re-form my partition and try Debian, but it hasn't
fixed the problem. 

It started happening also around when I ran Partition Magic
version 3 to modify my DOS partitons. There were no errors.
I dont know if this is the problem because I overwrote the
partition table with the partitioning program that comes with 
the Debian installation package. There were no errors there

Here are my system specs:

intel pentium 120
Quantum Fireball 2100 meg
32 mb RAM

I am using the I/O controller which is built into the motherboard.
My BIOS is set to LBA mode.

If you have any insight into this problem please respond!

-Paul H.

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