> I think it would score a lot of PR points for Debian to place, or win.
> Debian is a Linux distribution.  Our win is Linux's win.  Our win is the
> FSF's win.  Our win is even, to some degree, RedHat's and Slackware's win,
> because they serve a similar market with a similar product.  Microsoft
> droids don't appear to be participating: I didn't see any pre-compiled
> clients for Windows NT.

I agree completely, but we can place on a different list.  There are
rankings for email address (chosen when running the program), machine
name (derived from the IP address), and the domain name (also derived
from the IP address).

If we could create a proxy and route all key requests through our
www.debian.org, then that machine would appear, given our current
participation, SECOND on the machine list and THIRD on the domain
list.  Because the name "www.debian.org" means web-site, we should
hopefully get quite a few hits to that site!

In addition, anybody looking at the numbers would indicate to everyone
that we are obviously supporting the "linuxnet" address (since at
10.1MKeys/sec, only linuxnet and #root have higher totals).

I'm sure the stats-keeper would transfer our totals to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and www.debian.org if we asked nicely enough.

                                 ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
    In theory, theory and practice are the same.  In practice, they're not.

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