> > Do you win by exploring a larger fraction
> > of the keyspace than anyone else, or by finding the key?
> By finding the key. We were approaching a 1 in 10 probability of
> finding the key. If we won against the Linux group, it would have
> created the perception that Debian would work against Linux if it
> profited Debian. That's not a good perception to have. I have already
> sent my apologies to the Linux team for the entire project.

I still don't understand your reasoning here.  This is not a zero-sum game.
*Everyone* particpating in the RC5 contest is, whether they know it or not,
not trying to "beat" other participants, but send a message to U.S.
legislators regarding cryptography.  Today, RC5.  Tomorrow, DES.  Next
week, Phil Zimmerman's a free man.  (Oh well, we can dream...)

I think it would score a lot of PR points for Debian to place, or win.
Debian is a Linux distribution.  Our win is Linux's win.  Our win is the
FSF's win.  Our win is even, to some degree, RedHat's and Slackware's win,
because they serve a similar market with a similar product.  Microsoft
droids don't appear to be participating: I didn't see any pre-compiled
clients for Windows NT.

Please reconsider, Bruce.  If you have a firm conviction that we're going
to irreversibly hack off Linus or RMS by winning, and cause trouble for
the Debian project in the future, then fine, I agree with your position.
I'd like to hear why, though.  I submit that anyone who thinks that
Debian is attempting to slight the rest of the Linux/GNU community by this
effort is just not seeing things clearly.  No distribution does better than
ours in giving credit where credit is due.

This is ultimately a cooperative contest, not a competitive one.

Thanks for listening.

 "Never underestimate the power of human stupidity."  | G. Branden Robinson
                    -- Robert Heinlein                | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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