Craig Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Feb 1997, Lars Hallberg wrote:
> > Do anyone know how to configur MH nowdays or how to get smail to REWRITE the
> > From: field?
> it's been a while since i last used smail but i think what you are looking
> for is the "visible_hostname" (or is it "visible_name"?) field in
> /etc/smail/config
> I used to use this option until i switched all of my machines over to
> sendmail.  It does exactly what you want.

Not on my system :(. It does the rigt thing if outgoing mail do NOT have anny
From: field, but it does NOT rewrite existing From: field. After reading the
manuals (alot) I do still not know a way to force smail REWRITING en existing
From: field :(. If anyone know how, plece say so...

My hope is with MH. It *must* be a way of getting it to skipping the From:
field or writing a corect one. The MH version in Debian 1.1 hade an configure
option for that, but it do not work whit the MH shiped with Debian 2.0(.5).
I have not fond anything about this in the MH manpages or changlogs. And the
FAQ describing how ro fix it in previus version is no longer included (good
thing as it is no longer corect).

Is it posseble to REWRITE existing From: field with sendmail?

However, the incorect Sender: field (added by MH when thers alredy a From:
field in the mail) looks - so far - harmless.

If I have overlooked where this configuration change of MH is documented,
plece point me to it...

I have not read the docs in the source package becose I do not have room for
source pakage on my maskin (planing to by more HD). It is often allot of
userinfo in the source packages :( - but then again - it is FREE software:)

Thanx for all responce and to all maintainer, developer etc.

   /  / _/_ _/_ Lars Hallberg IT-konsult      Micro++
  /\_/\ /   /              
 /   Micro++    OOP C++ WWW-Design Utbildning LINUX FreeWare

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