Hi Esger, everything seems to be allright! Effectively FvwnSave is working but in the way of creating a new.xinitrc file that should be renamed by the user as .xinitrc for the changes to take effect. Anyway some applications don't provide information enough for this module to save them (ex, files, the filemanager). On the other hand the module called FvwmConfig does not exist. Thank you very much!
And now, to abusse your patience a bit more, do you know how to configure the filemanager under Fvwm95 in order to have icons for the recognized types of files and execute the correspondig programs by double/clicking???. I've read the manual page for files *the filemanager* and it seems the file to check is .Filesrc but it doesn't work at present. ******************************************************************************* Javier Gismero tel: (34 1) 3367358 fax : (34 1) 3367362 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] E.T.S.I.Telecomunicacion Universidad Politecnica Madrid Ciudad Universitaria S/N 28040 MADRID ******************************************************************************* -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]