On Tue, 24 Dec 1996, Bruce Perens wrote:

> Gee, these CD drivers are no fun at all. Did you try placing a CD in the 
> drive?
> (or removing the CD?).

 I had the same problem at home with my ATAPI CDROM (Sony CDU77E), the
installation program would eventually go on after a long time, but as this
program probes the disks often it was quite unsusable. Putting a CD in the
drive does solve the problem. My computer at work has got a Toshiba ATAPI
CDROM player and does not show this problem.
 It think the installation instructions should talk about this problem and
give the fix. It's better than releasing yet another boot disk with no
CDROM support at all, uh? :)

Farzad FARID
Administrateur Reseau
SGIP - Publicis

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