I had a problem with the Sony CDU 311 CDROM during a floppy 
installation.  The cdrom drive was recognized fine.  During the menu 
driven installation phase, I kept getting messages

hdc: media changed
hdc: media changed
hdc: tray open or drive not ready
hdc: irq timeout : status = 0xd0
hdc: ATAPI RESET complete
hdc: code: 0x70 key: 0x02 asc: 0x53 ascq: 0x00

etc, etc, etc
the cdrom light would keep falshing.

I tried turning the cdrom drive off in the BIOS but it didn't help

What can I do, please help.

Alexander Lobkovsky                 Phone: (805) 893-3684
Institute for Theoretical Physics   Fax:   (805) 893-2431
University of California            Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-4030        WWW: http://rainbow.uchicago.edu/~lobkovsk

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