On Sat, 23 Nov 1996, Richard G. Roberto wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Nov 1996, Martin Konold wrote:
> > On Fri, 22 Nov 1996, Heiko Schlittermann wrote:
> Then they can't be GPL'd.  You should read the license.  It
> prohibits modification restrictions (which QT has).
Of course the apps CAN be gpled! Even if they have to be linked against
some commercial libs.
There are hundreds of gpled Motif based pieces of software out there.
You are not allowed to distribute changed version of the library but you
are welcome to change the gpled application as you like.

> > Soon LyX will also be Qt based.
> > 
> That's too bad, I kind of like lyx.

Obviously, you unfortunately do not know hwat you are talking about,

The very first versions of LyX have been Motif 1.2 based.
This had the BIG disadvantage that the co developers did not want to buy
the commercial Motif stuff.

Matthias then switched to Xforms. They most recent stable beta is based on
Xform 0.81. Xforms is free of charge for non commercial use.
The developers do NOT provide their source code. Xforms is limited
due to time constraints of the two developers.

LyX will in the near future switch to Qt. Qt is in contrast to Xforms
available free of charge to the freeware community and much more important
it is WITH source code!
It has also advantages from the programmers point of view. (C++...)

So even for the GNU purists it must be evident, that Qt is LESS
restricting than the Xforms license.

How does it come that you are talking about stuff you do not understand.

I personally would appreciate something like alladins license for
ghostscript beeing applied for Qt.

But Qt is still a very new, but promising project.

> You never got back to me on the kterm issue.  It seems to me that
> the KDE kterm is _not_ the same as the long standing JE version
> of xterm of the same name.  This is poor netiquette at best and
> micro$oft like behavior at worst.  What's the deal?  This QT/KDE
> mentality is rubbing the wrong way already.

kterm is neither directly based on the JE version of xterm nor on xterm
but on rxvt(which is not gpl, but free).

-- martin

// Martin Konold, Muenzgasse 7, 72070 Tuebingen, Germany  // 
// Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]              // 
       Linux - because reboots are for hardware upgrades 
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