> > Thank you all for your help, but the command I ended up using was this: > > cd /mnt > find ./ | grep -v ./mnt | grep -v ./proc | cpio -p
Well, we're well off the topic of "Debian", not to mention Linux-specific problems, but.... you could have replaced the "grep -v ./mnt | grep -v ./proc" with just 'egrep -v "./mnt|./proc"'. Now, *unfortunately*, either of these will skip right over any directories named "./mnt2", "./proceedures", or anything else starting with those two strings. That's why you need the "^" and "$" in there, like so: 'egrep -v "^./mnt|./proc$"'. Oh, and, while we're at it, you probably don't want that period to match *any* character, so you should escape those: 'egrep -v "^\./mnt|\./proc$"'. Now, if you wanted to be even *more* fancy, you can do the path exclusions in the "find" command itself: "find ./ ! -path "^\./mnt/|\./proc/" | cpio -p" Which, MAY or may NOT work. I haven't tried this, but some close cousin of this set of switches should do the trick nicely. The nice benefit of this one is that it *might* create the directories for you and ignore all of their contents. Thus eliminating the need for: > mkdir proc > mkdir mnt - Joe -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]