Thank you all for your help, but the command I ended up using was this: cd /mnt find ./ | grep -v ./mnt | grep -v ./proc | cpio -p mkdir proc mkdir mnt # 'find ./' find ALL files, starting at the root directory. # 'grep -v ./mnt' Lets all lines pass through that DON'T contain './mnt', ie the new hard drive. # 'grep -v ./proc' Lets all lines pass through that DON'T contain './proc', to stop a nasty neverending loop. # 'cpio -p' Each line input to this command is open for input as a file, and then written to the current directory.
I then shutdown, swapped the harddrives on the cables, and booted off floppy. Reran LILO, and all was well. Setup before: /dev/hda = 420 MB HD mounted on / /dev/hdc = 540 MB HD mounted on /mnt Using LILO to boot off /dev/hda Setup after: /dev/hda = 540 MB HD mounted on / /dev/hdc = 420 MB HD not mounted Using LILO to boot off /dev/hda Adam Heath [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---------- > From: Adam Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > To: Debian User List <> > Cc: Jason Kusnier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Subject: Moving files to a new partition. Please help. > Date: Thursday, November 07, 1996 9:00 PM > > My friend and I have installed debian, but he has not signed up to this > list. > > He just got a new larger hard drive for debian, and wanted to move his > installed setup onto the new one. I have the old one mounted as root, and > the new one mounted on '/mnt'. I have run mkfs on the new HD. > > I need to know how to copy the files from the old to the new, without > having and links destroyed, and without entering the neverending loop with > regards to '/mnt/mnt/mnt/...'. All attempts that I have done have > resulted in files that links pointed being copies, instead of just making a > link, and having '/mnt' copied recursively. > > Thanks ahead of time for your help. > -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]