
I've one problem:

I used to work with samba 1.9.16alpha10 . Everything was fine except one 
thing - after some time started new samba daemons (I was running it as a 
daemon, not from inetd) and they ate my CPU  - idle was << 1% and load 
average after 1-2 hours was about 3.00-4.00. So it was nice but not so 
much :-) . So when new samba (1.9.16.p9) became available I've decided to 
make upgrade to this version. But now I can't run it as a daemon!! From 
inetd it runs quite smoothly but response is much slower. I've no 
problems with new multiplicating daemons (naturally) but I've no browsing - 
when I try to search whole network from Win'95 workstation there is no 
serwer available, but when I try to mount directory from server (naturally 
writing exactly the name of the serwer) it works. When I try to use 
smbclient, it prints four or five times strange message - 
"get_hostbyname() - host not found serwer1" (serwer1 is the name of my 
linux box) and refuses to work. This name is in /etc/hosts and I run also 
bind withiut any problems!

So I've one question - WHAT'S UP??????

Leszek Gerwatowski

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