> > So, I think libc 5.4.7 should be removed from rex and downgrade to 5.2.x.
> Thats the point of REX isn't it?  to be the latest of the stuff... if you
> upgrade, and RECOMPILE against that libc5, your problems will go away.
> I have had NO PROBLEMS with that version! None!  You must be running
> programs that were compiled against it!!!!  This means upgraded a lot of
> things, and recompiling pieces here and there..

No it isn't.  Rex is intended to be release 1.2 of Debian.  "Unstable" is
the latest stuff and will be pointing to "bo" in the near future.  Because
of the problems that have been claimed against the new libc5, I don't see
any reason to include it in Debian 1.2.  There isn't time to force
everyone to recompile for that release.  That can take place in "bo".
                                 ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
     measure with micrometer, mark with chalk, cut with axe, hope like hell

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