Hi guys... I'm wondering if attempting to use Linux-SMP is any good. Afterall, for real efficiency, don't the programs/daemons/utilities have to be designed in such a way that they'll make use of SMP capabilities?
For example, if I have sendmail, pop3d, httpd daemons running, on a dual processor system with SMP kernel, as compared to a single-processor system, would I gain much advantage? Let's say, for example, a dual-133 and a single-PPro200. My feeling is that for raw speed and efficiency, the PPro200 would easily win out... Now, due to the fact that most ISP usage is dependent on bandwidth limitations (meaning that a lot of the time the raw processor power won't do much good) what is your opinion on choosing a more effective system? Between say dual-133 or single-Pro200? I definitely feel that on "internal" processing, like compiling, using msql, etc, the Pro200 would by far be the better choice. Regards, Ricardo -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]