Dear Debian users,

I am installing Debian 1.1.4. (So I am new to Debian.)
I have a problem. Mouting cdrom (/dev/scd0) fails in `dselect`.

In the reboot message after installation of BASE system, system

        ncr53c8xx : at PCI bus 0, device 12, function 0
        scsi0 : ncr53c8xx (rel 1.12a)
        scsi : 1 host.
          Vendor QUANTUM Model :TRB850S
          Type: ...
        Detected scsi disk sda at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
          Vendor TOSHIBA Model: ....
          Type: CD-ROM ...
        scsi : detected 1 SCSI disk total.

It looks scsi driver is running without problem. Root partition in
SCSI disk is mounted and accessible without problem. However, if I
try to mount the cdrom

        # mount -t iso9660 /dev/scd0 /mnt
        mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/scd0 as a block device
              (maybe `insmod driver`?)

The kernel is the one in buzz-updates/disk-i386/special-kernels and called
"boot1440_2.0.5-1.bin" Is this kernel not suitable ? What is this insmod
driver ?  Please help me to mount SCSI CDROM.

Thanks in advance.

Toshinao Ishii

        Advanced Technology R&D Center
        Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (NeXTMail/MIME Welcome)

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