Dear all,

I am pleased to announce the availability of my new (English) book
"The Debian System", which Open Source Press[0] introduced at the
Linuxtag 2005. I would like to thank all who have followed its
development over the last year, and apologise for the delay and the
long wait you have endured. As opposed to the initially planned 350
pages, I am proud to offer a total of 608 now, so the wait wasn't
for nothing. You can find more information about the book on its web

  0. [German only -- for now]

The book is not a regular user's handbook, but rather a book for
people who want to understand and make more out of their Debian
installation(s). It explains the systems's (and project's) concepts
and analyses the techniques that make up the Debian Way of system
administration -- you will not find any discussion of Linux tools or
concepts, graphical desktop environments, server software, or user
programmes in here! Just 608 pages of pure Debian, written for the
Linux/Unix administrators switching to Debian and existing Debian
users alike.

In addition to examples and common pitfalls, the book explains just
why the Debian developers chose certain approaches over others. As
it explores the motivations behind the Debian solutions, the reader
is given a peek at the level of experience and sophistication that
has flowed into the various system components, and s/he learns to
embrace their elegance. This book aims to be the resource on Debian
GNU/Linux as well as an enticing companion on one's path towards
advanced Debian administration.

The hardcover edition will be available in stores in the beginning
of July. A list of online shops stocking it is kept up to date on
the web site[2] (please let me know which ones I'm missing).


An announcement mailing list[3] exists, as well as an RSS feed[4] of
updates (errata & changes), news and events related to the book, and
quotes about it. There is even a forum[5] (currently based on
experimental software though).


I would herewith also like to thank all who have made this book
possible: all contributors to the Debian project, and each one of
the individuals who have worked on parts of the text with me to get
it to where it is now. I am also greatly indebted to my publisher,
Open Source Press[6], who has simply spoiled me with this first book
of mine.

  6. [German only -- for now]

I am also greatly indebted to the Zope[7], Plone[8], and Apache[9]
projects for the products that power the book's web site.


I appreciate if people would spread the word about this book. If you
would be willing to link to the book's pages from your web site,
please see [10]. Also, feel free to forward this message verbatim.


Thanks for your attention.

 .''`.     martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer and author:
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
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