--- Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> VFS: Cannot open rootdevice "301" or 30:01
> Please append a correct "root=" boot option
> Kernel panic: VFS unable to mount root fs on 30:01
> Ok, not worried at this time as I have my woody
CD's and can do a
> rescbf24 to mount woody still installed and
>correct the lilo.conf but,
> here are the related boot messages when attempting
> request_modules_hostadapter]: Root fs not mounted
(repeated once)
> ...
> cramfs: wrong magic
> Fat: bogus logical sector size 5202
> read_super_block: can't find a reiserfs filesystem
on (dev 03:03,
> block 64, size 1024)-repeated once
> Kernel panic: VFS unable to mount root fs on 03:05
> Now I'm worried. Note: I don't have a reiserfs
file system, only an
> ext3 fs since day one on all partitions.
>If I understand, you have a dual-boot system, with
>Sarge and Woody.
>Sarge's boot is hosed, but you've tried to boot off
the Woody
installation CD into the Woody installation, and it
fails also.
Is this correct?
If it were me, I'd boot off a LiveCD, such as
Knoppix or Kanotix, then
run cfdisk to see what partitions are defined. I'd
mount the / partition
on the hard drive, and look to see what /etc/fstab
says, and take a look
at the initrd issues you mention. My gut instinct
(not having adequate
info), is that either your partition table is
scrambled, your drive is
failing, or you're not feeding the correct
parameters to the Woody CD.
>Kent West
>Technology Support
>/A/bilene /C/hristian /U/niversity
>-- snipped
If it's an initrd kernel, I do recall reading
something about issues with the upgrade to sarge and
initrd kernels. Might be worth checking out the Sarge
release notes on debian.org...
Thanks for the tip. Mark. One thing for sure, I'll never do a
dist-upgrade again without reviewing the release notes and doing
all things suggested. I've been looking for a document that accounts
for all the problems I've had with upgrades and I think I may have
found it. However, I've spent all evening til about 1:30 am reviewing
the release notes for sarge and didn't find anything close to my issue,
including links. Have read all the manuals listed and come to conclusion
that lilo.conf is correct, ie., initrd=initrd.img, as I have a link in /
to the proper sarge image in /boot. I've come to the conclusion, as Kent
West suggested that the only thing left to do is correct the error in my
Swap partition as listed above. I've used cfdist to repartition my HD
before several times but it's always been for a fresh install; never on
a functioning system. So, I'll boot as single user and run cfdisk to
correct the /Solaris entry on the Swap and hope there's not anything
critical I'm not aware of. Doesn't look like Kent is going to reply
to my last post: so I'll give it a try.
If you could be more specific, I'd like to read the reference you
Thanks for your help,
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