Kent West wrote:

Debian User Leonard Chatagnier wrote:

Sorry about my mixup.  Found the original reply in drafts; never sent.
This is new reply that is more current.  My reply is bolow:

Leonard Chatagnier wrote:

Kent West wrote:

Sarge's boot is hosed, but you've tried to boot off the Woody
installation CD into the Woody installation, and it fails also.

Is this correct?
Yes, it did originally.  However, I checked around and found the
right syntax for boot option and was finally able to boot woody,
but sarge 2.4.27-2-386 stil has kernel panic.

[Part of] The output of ... lilo.conf are shown [here]:

      initrd=initrd.img    (Note: there is a link in / to the actual
/boot/initrd.img/sarge.img so it should work)

The line should be:

I also thought the /Solaris entry in linux Swap was an error.  When I
entered single
user mode to correct it, I found the same data for type 82 linux swap
so didn't write
out anything.  This must be something new in sarge as I don't remember
it being there
in woody.

It must be; I just looked at my system and was surprised to see "Linux
swap / Solaris" was also listed as the type on my swap file. Interesting.

I put the / in front of initrd.img and rebooted with kernel panic again giving
these same boot messages:

VFS: Cannot open root device "301" or 03:01
Please append a correct "root=" boot option
Kernel panic: VFS: unable to mount root on 03:01

Sorry, I was hopeing it was something simple like that but apparently not.
I'm ready to try anything else you suggest as I don't know what to do next.
Thanks, for copying my email address, too

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