Steve C. Lamb:
>     KDE/XFCE: I want to start an application which I've just installed.  I
> know the command name for it.  Both have a launch bar.  I enter the name, it
> starts up.
>     Damn.  That was easy!  So easy in fact that 80% of the time I don't
> configure a launch button for any particular application.

Me neither. I have under twenty keyboard shortcuts (all
Win+single-character and most of them mnemonics) for the apps that I use
most often.

>     Want to do the same with a "pure" WM.  Step 1: open a CLI.  Step 2: enter
> the command name.  Step 3: close the CLI.  Step 4: realize I forgot &! at the
> end of the command.  Step 5: reopen CLI.  Step 6: type in the command name and
> &!.  Step 7: close CLI.

Well, to start gui programs I do not have a keyboard shortcut for, I
just hit Win-Space and IceWM gives me a little command line. It couldn't
be much easier. And btw: if you are using terminals a lot, you don't
need a separate one just for starting a gui app.

I think one big difference between our usage patterns is that I prefer
to use the keyboard for every action. That may not sound user friendly
but it's very efficient, especially when I use my laptop (which is 99%
of the time I spend using a computer outside of my workplace). I guess
if I used my desktop always with a mouse in the rigth hand, I would
prefer configuration via a gui too.

I feel yawning hollowness whilst talking to people at parties.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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