Alexey Chetroi [debian-user] <15/11/02 10:21 +0200>:
> On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 05:45:16PM +0000, Vittorio wrote:
> > 
> > At work they've installed a callback RAS. 
> > 
> > I've read the PPP documentation and had a look at the callback scripts
> > that are far from being intuitive and easy to use.
> > 
> > Is there 
> > 
> > 
> > any ready-to-use deb program able to to connect from debian 3.0 to my
> > office via a modem?
> > 
> > OR
> > 
> > Someone able to explain the correct callback PPP procedure starting
> > from the poor documentation I've mentioned in a straightforward way?
>  man pppd is enough and there's always your friend google :)
> pppd from woody supports "callback 123456" option. Exit code of pppd
> is 14 on successful callback negotiation. Right after that I start pppd
> with regular options beside chat-script: chat-script just should answer the
> incoming call. It also possible to use dial-on-demand with callback.
Well Alexey,

Perhaps I'm not that smart because I'm only able to start ppp by means
of pppconfig and pon/poff. Nonetheless I've read almost everything in
the net about this subject. But I'm somewhat confused. What
I need is a step by step explanation on how to make it.

Therefore, the point is that at office there's a Windows NT RAS server
with Callback protocol; my debian 3.0 linux box should call my office,
GIVE the phone number to be called back and answer the call.

What are the orderly steps to set up the connection (your real
configuration, files could help as examples!)?



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