On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 05:45:16PM +0000, Vittorio wrote:
> At work they've installed a callback RAS. 
> I've read the PPP documentation and had a look at the callback scripts
> that are far from being intuitive and easy to use.
> Is there 
> any ready-to-use deb program able to to connect from debian 3.0 to my
> office via a modem?
> OR
> Someone able to explain the correct callback PPP procedure starting
> from the poor documentation I've mentioned in a straightforward way?

 man pppd is enough and there's always your friend google :)
pppd from woody supports "callback 123456" option. Exit code of pppd
is 14 on successful callback negotiation. Right after that I start pppd
with regular options beside chat-script: chat-script just should answer the
incoming call. It also possible to use dial-on-demand with callback.


  Best regards,
  Alexey Chetroi

Smile... Tomorrow will be worse.   (c) Murphy's law

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