On Sat, 08 Jan 2005 the mental interface of
Manu told:

> Hi
> I am using kernel 2.6.9 and udev
> I have a CD/DVD  /dev/hdd  and mounted to /cdrom
> (I do not have a /dev/cdrom for some reasons...)
> I have a CD Writer /dev/hdc (appearing at boot time
> but cannot see it in the /dev )
> How can I have my CD writer acting like the CD/DVD
> (appearing as a device in /dev , gnome  etc...)
> I have the following modules loaded:
> ide_scsi               17220  0
> scsi_mod              125132  3
> usb_storage,sr_mod,ide_scsi
> ide_cd                 42464  0
> cdrom                  40540  2 sr_mod,ide_cd
> ide_core              141936  6
> usb_storage,ide_scsi,ide_cd,ide_generic,via82cxxx,ide_disk
Don't use ide-scsi with 2.6 Kernels ;-). Remove the
/dev/hd??=ide-scsi bootoption. Reboot. And tell us the output of
$ cdrecord -scanbud dev=ATAPI
$ cdrecord -precap



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