On Thu, 2004-12-23 at 14:03 -0500, JerryN wrote:
> Nobody has said which kernel would work.  I am using the 386 kernel.  
> As I understand it, the 686 is only for Pentium 4's.  I've seen several
> emails about that.  
> So I would love to see something practical and very specific.  In as far
> as "real world" commands that are needed in order to utilize 3 GB of Ram
> using Sarge.  Like which kernel and what specific commands that need to
> be run in either recommended solution.
> 1) getting a pre-packaged kernel with the appropriate support.
> Which kernel, how to apply it.
> 2) build it yourself with one of the high memory options configured.
> Exactly how to apply these memory options?  Please be specific.
> I have tried both options, all to miserable failure.  
> Thats all I request.

Maybe I'm being presumptuous, but, since 3GB of RAM is very high-
end, and not the 256MB RAM that Joe Linspire has, shouldn't someone
who has such an expensive box be able to compile his own kernel?

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson, LA USA
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