On Mon, Dec 20, 2004 at 07:39:01AM -0800, Sergio Basurto Juarez wrote:
> Hello,
> Anyone can tell me howto install kernel sources under
> Debian Testing, I already try:
> apt-cache search kernel sources
> and things like that, I also install a kerne-image and
> it  just install a kernel but already compiled.
> I will appreciate any advice.

Once you have done
apt-get install kernel-source-whateverversionhere

You must position yourself at /usr/src
Also, apt-get install kernel-package

Then read the docs for it. In my system:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ info kernel-package
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls /usr/share/doc/kernel-package
changelog.gz  HOWTO-Linux-2.6-Woody.gz  README.doc      README.modules
copyright     Multi-Arch.gz             README.gz       README.source
examples      Problems.gz               README.headers  README.tecra
Flavours.gz   Rationale.gz              README.image

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