--- James Vahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you
> wrote:
> > Anyone can tell me howto install kernel sources
> under
> > Debian Testing, I already try:
> > 
> > apt-cache search kernel sources
> Try:  apt-cache search ^kernel-source
> I prefer the sources from kernel.org for reasons I
> have forgotten. If I
> recall, make-kpkg required more effort. So anyway,
> download 2.6.9, untar
> under /usr/src, make a symlink "linux" to it and:
>                 cd /usr/src/linux
>                 make menuconfig
>                 make deb-pkg
>                 dpkg --purge linux-2.6.9
>                 dpkg -i ../linux-2.6.9*.deb
>                 lilo (first time? edit
> /etc/lilo.conf first)
>                 reboot
> I've read warnings about /usr/src/linux but they
> don't seem to apply to 
> Debian, whom may use a smarter approach. I am
> blissfully unaware. :-)
First of all I want ot thank allof you who reply, I am
on my way right now, I prefer the old method too, but
I will try the make-kpkg too just for fun and learn.

Thanks again.
Good Bless You All, Merry Christmas and a very Happy
New Year.

Sergio Basurto J.

If I have seen further it is by standing on the 
shoulders of giants. (Isaac Newton)

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