At Friday, 3 December 2004, "Mr. Jan Hearthstone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
com> wrote:

>Mr. Jan Hearthstone wrote:
>>   I was "dist-upgrade"-ing and during the process I
>> was adviced that I was re-installing the existing
>> kermel-image-2.6.8-1-386, and that I was to reboot
>> soon as possible, which I did as soon as the next
>> (Lilo) started being upgraded.
>>   To no avail! During the start up I get message
>> "Error -3 while decompressing!"
>>         "c034ad04 (-289792904)->c108a000(4096)"
>>         "Error -3 while decompressing!"
>>         "c034a8f0(-417786125)->c21e2000(4096)"
>>         "request-module: runaway loop modprobe
>> binfmt-0000"
>>         "request-module: runaway loop modprobe
>> binfmt-0000"
>>         "request-module: runaway loop modprobe
>> binfmt-0000"
>>         "request-module: runaway loop modprobe
>> binfmt-0000"
>>    ... and then nothing moves at all.
>>   So I tried the "boot" and "root" floppies, but the
>> thing insists that I repartition! (And lose
>> everything!)
>Try booting with a LiveCD (such as Knoppix). You can
>then chroot to your
>hard drive and fix the problem.
>  Dear Adam,
>  I have an old Toshiba Satelite that doesn't boot off
>a CD-ROM.
>  I did, though, found some one-floppy Linux didts,
>but once (and if) I got the system on the RAM, I have
>no idea how to get into my hd, and, at least, salvage
>some files. 
>  Are not the "rescue" floppies supposed to be helpful
>in just such cases? I perused the available "googled"
>information--it would seem that this should be no
>problem for anyone, but it is a problem for me.
>  Where am I lacking?
>  Thank you, reluctant-to-re-install -
>   Hearthstone.

you have to mount to the /dev/hdx (x being your hdd , a, mostlikely).

after you mount, you can chroot to your mounted /dev/hda and gain 
access to the drive contents.

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