Mr. Jan Hearthstone wrote:
> Adam Aube wrote:

> Once you boot, mount whatever disk partition is your
> root partition as /mnt/[whatever] (make sure it's mounted
> read/write), then 'chroot /mnt/[whatever]'.
> For all practical purposes you are now on your local system.
> You can mount the rest of your partitions, and use lilo, apt-get, 
> and whatever else you need to do the repairs.

> Good and bad news.
> The rescue floppy(-ies - BG-Rescue Linux 0.4.0 -
> -) chroot on it. Please, checkout their "BusyBox",

> The BG-Rescue asks me to "chroot NEWROOT [COMMAND...]"
> and I don't know what it demands, I never came across
> "/mnt", or "chroot" before.

> Is there any "cookbook" approach that I would
> comprehend?
> What is it that I am supposed to "/mnt/" to?
> "read/write" ?????

You will need to know what your root partition is. Assuming that your root
partition is /dev/hda1, you will want to boot with the rescue floppy, then
run the following commands in order:

mkdir /mnt/newroot
mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/newroot
chroot /mnt/newroot
mount -a

You will now be completely in your system, and can do whatever needs to be
done to fix your problem.


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