Am Montag, den 08.11.2004, 16:40 -0600 schrieb Ron Johnson:
> On Mon, 2004-11-08 at 23:29 +0100, Joerg Rossdeutscher wrote:

> > I *really* wish there were a "server only debian" with once-a-year
> > release.
> Why not make your own yearly snapshots of testing?

1. Me? Alone?
2. No immediately security fixes?

It would be very nice to run a safe and stable server with security
fixes, *without* having to wait bugs fixed in KDE, Mozilla,
OpenOffice,... we do not need them on servers.

I do not need always brandnew shiny software on my servers - but i.e.
have a look at and try to find help for woodys shorewall.
It is not supported anymore. This is a problem for me. Maybe others can
just quickly package a brandnew version - I found it very difficulty.

It would be great to see this handled better.


P.S.: This is not meant as a rant against all those people that are so
kind to make debian an all. Thanks!

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