On Mon, Sep 13, 2004 at 10:43:01PM -0400, Adam Aube wrote:

> You probably forgot either CONFIG_FILTER or CONFIG_SOCKET.

I have CONFIG_FILTER set. I don't see a CONFIG_SOCKET anywhere... Where
does it live, and where might I find it in "make xconfig"?

> > 5. With a default Debian 2.4.26-1-i386 kernel, I get an error message
> > about some module or other having a problem.
> This usually winds up in /var/log/dmesg.

It's unfortunately not there. Are there any other possibilities?

Mason Loring Bliss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "A general rule for things
having to do with computers: If it works, then it's obsolete." - Richard Rauch

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